Books | Habbi: Maps of the World
Take a trip around the world! Maps of the World combines practical geography (can you locate Ecuador? Jakarta? The Himalayas?) with the joy of travel. There are SO many features to explore - every country is tappable, airplane icons call out major cities, and illustrations highlight cultural landmarks, delicious foods and natural wonders that inspire us to travel the globe.
Book type: Word book
Spreads: United States; North & South America; Europe, Russia & Central Asia; China, East & South Asia; Southeast Asia & Oceania; Africa & The Middle East; The World
Every inch is tappable:
- Tap maps: Explore countries around the world (& continents on the last spread)
- Tap text boxes & airplane icons: Learn major cities (airport hubs) across the world
- Tap illustrations: Discover cultural and natural landmarks, wildlife, food & more
- Tap planes on the last spread: Hear Haddie & Lulu's world trip itinerary!
- Surprise areas: Find the musical tune on each page
Size: 19.5 cm x 19.5 cm
Reading Wand sold separately
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