Everyone wants the very best for our children, beginning from even when they are still in our bellies!

I would like to believe modern mummies are all pretty savvy when it comes to choosing products that give us best value for our buck, and this is how I hope I can be of service to you by sourcing for exactly that - great quality products for our children at reasonable prices.

Our story began when I started preparing for the arrival of our baby and there were just so many things that my friends told me I needed to buy! Not only that, for each item there were so many types to choose from - some were great, while some were too expensive, or rather I felt the product did not justify the price. So I began to look everywhere for better options and also spoke with many mothers to eventually settle on a list of essential items which I felt were worth buying.

And then I realised, all of us new mothers would be going through the same thing and I wanted to help make this process easier for us.

Hence SavvyMamaSG™ was born - To look for high quality products with best value for money for our children. I hope to continue learning and growing with every single one of you to help provide the best for our little ones

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who buys from us, follows us, tags us, and shares about us! Every sale is a celebration for us, and I am incredibly thankful for the mother community.

With Love, 