Books | The Montessori Toddler


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A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being.

~Help Me Do it Myself - Maria Montessori~

This book comes in highly recommended by many and I can see why - it not only directs and instructs, but it also comes with simple colour illustrations and photographs.  The appendix at the back is a useful resource with ideas you can implement at home. Definitely a book you will reread over an over again. Whether you full agree to Montessori or not, this book helps you to connect and build a strong relationship with your toddler!

Montessori is an alternative education system where, instead of the teacher standing at the front of the classroom telling the kids what they need to know, the children are free to explore a classroom of well-designed materials covering language, mathematics, daily life skills and more. The result is that the children are able to follow their unique natural rhythm and development as well as learn with concrete learning materials to make discoveries for themselves. But that's it. It's not just for school aged children - you can apply exactly the same ideas in your home and with your toddler.

Toddlers can be tricky. On one hand they can be lovely. On the other hand they can be really hard work. They'll make you laugh. And they will probably bring you to tears. Or at least a high level of frustration.

Simone Davies shows how to turn life with a “terrible two” into a mutually rich and rewarding time of curiosity, learning, respect, and discovery.

With hundreds of practical ideas for every aspect of living with a toddler, here are five principles for feeding your child’s natural curiosity, from “Trust in the child” to “Fostering a sense of wonder.” Step-by-step ways to cultivate daily routines with ease, like brushing teeth, toilet-training, dealing with siblings, losing the pacifier. Plus learn how to:

  • Stay composed when your toddler is not and set limits with love and respect—without resorting to bribes or punishment
  • Set up your home and get rid of the chaos
  • Create Montessori activities that are just right for your one-to-three-year-old
  • Raise an inquisitive learner who loves exploring the world around them
  • See the world through your toddler’s eyes and be surprised and delighted by their perspective
  • Be your child’s guide—and truly celebrate every stage

Each section of the book is super practical and it is beautifully designed to make it even easier to read. It’s perfect if you are a busy parent, carer or even grandparent. And it doesn't matter if you are brand new to Montessori or have been using Montessori for a while - or even if you aren't planning to send your children to Montessori school. You can read it from cover to cover. Or just open up the book at a page that interests you and you will find something practical you can try today.

So are you ready to say goodbye to frustration and hello to peace and calm? It’s time for us to learn to see through our toddler’s eyes - The Montessori Toddler.


Simone Davies is an AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) Montessori teacher. Born in Australia, she lives in Amsterdam where she runs parent-child Montessori classes at Jacaranda Tree Montessori. Simone is author of the popular blog and Instagram, The Montessori Notebook, where she gives tips, answers questions, and provides online workshops for parents around the world.

  •  Paperback | 256 pages
  •  168 x 238 x 27.94mm | 657.71g
  •  full-color illustrations throughout; full-color illustrations throughout
  •  9781523506897

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