How to Survive Breastfeeding as a Low Supply Mama?

This post is a follow up to an IG live session with @sgbudgetbabe, where we shared our breastfeeding journey and how we survived as a low-supply mama. We thought about whether we should share our experience for a while but finally mustered enough courage to share our journey together. Social media is not what it seems – you may see mothers blessed with lots of milk with freezers full of milk stash, but not everyone is like that. If you are struggling with breastfeeding, know that you are not alone! No matter what you do, choose a routine that you can replicate daily to sustain for a longer journey.

Surviving your breastfeeding journey when you're a low-supply mama is hard. Here are our best tips:

👶 Immediate start:
- latch baby frequently to open the milk ducts (especially for first time mums) and stimulate milk production.
- use Silverette to heal and soothe the nipple pain.
- seek out a certified lactation consultant to ensure your latch / pump is correct.
- engage a massage therapist to open up your milk ducts (we used @mamajobreast).
- invest in a good hospital-grade pump. We recommend only Spectra or Medela
- apply organic coconut oil on aerola when pumping.
- try the 68 list of lactation-boosting foods. Credits for this list go to @singaporelactationbakes.

🏋️ 1st and 2nd month:
- get gadgets that help smoothen your breastfeeding journey. We highly recommend La Vie warming pads!
- start trying supplements if your supply is still low. We tried domperidone, Legendairy, moringa, fenugreek, motherlove, etc and none worked for us.
- can try acupuncture at @madam.partum which had immediate effects for Dawn.

🏋️🏋️ 3rd month onwards:
- remind yourself that you're here for the breastmilk antibodies and not the volume. Even 30ml makes a difference.
- don't compare to other people's IGs when they show their ample milk supply, especially if it demoralizes you. It's ok to unfollow them for the time being for your mental sanity so you don't lose your confidence on this breastfeeding journey!

💰Money-wise, be prepared that breastfeeding as a low-supply mummy WILL cost more than 100% formula milk. A 6-month supply. of @natureonedairysingapore milk will only cost $500+, but your pumps/supplements/foods/treatments alone will set you back by thousands of dollars. No kidding! But well, it's worth it for the antibodies that only you can provide for your child, right?

✨ It can be tiring breastfeeding as a low-supply mummy, but don't beat yourself up and more importantly, DON'T compare. Everyone's bodies are different, and whatever you can give your baby is good enough✨

And finally, pump or latch based on a schedule that works for you and your mental sanity. Rest and be content, even happy! That way, you'll be able to last the full journey.

Tips with love from 2 low-supply mummies, Dawn and Angeline 💕

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