Books | Sundae Sunday (Buddings)


A children's story on understanding boundaries

In this story, a father has the unenviable job of saying ‘no’ to his son for more ice cream. He does so firmly, yet without breaking the little one’s heart, explaining why it is important and convincing him that the end of ice cream is neither the end of the world nor of the fun father and son can continue to have in endless other ways.

Key messages:

  • Bigger Stronger Wiser and Kind -Where possible, follow your child’s lead. When necessary, take charge.
  • Empathy – Setting boundaries starts with empathy and connection
  • Executive functioning – Reasonable boundaries can help children develop better impulse control, the ability to cope with disappointments, and to see things from others’ perspectives, which are essential executive functioning skills that enable us to manage our everyday activities.

This book is for:

  • Parents looking to establish boundaries firmly and kindly and to help children develop a sense of security knowing that someone cares enough to be in charge.

Ages: 3 – 6 years  

    Product Specifications

    • Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 0.3 cm 
    • 42 pages
    • Paperback