Books | Habbi: Book of Chores


Building self reliance at an early age is important. This book gives kids both examples of and vocabulary about how to help take care of their home - from making their beds to putting away their toys.

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Book type: Phrase book

Spreads: Chore chart, Make bed, Clean up toys, Set table, Wash dishes, Fold laundry, Take out trash 

Every inch is tappable: 

  • Tap phrase: To hear the text read aloud 
  • Tap the illustration from top to bottom: To hear 3 steps on how to complete the respective chore
  • Tap the white space: For a musical tune unique to each page 
  • Tap chore chart: To explore days of week, names of chores
  • [Surprise!] Tap the star on each page to hear an encouraging 'Good job'!  

    Size: 19.5 cm x 19.5 cm

    Reading Wand sold separately 

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